Service provider.
Newlat GmbH
Franzosenstraße 9
68169 Mannheim
Telephone: +49 621 / 32 35 – 0
Facsimile: +49 621 / 32 35 – 125
E-Mail: info[at]
Represented by the chief executive
Angelo Mastrolia
Amtsgericht: Mannheim
HRB 724332, Ust.ID: DE 284 965 978
Responsible for the contents according to § 55 article 2 RSTV (Interstate Broadcasting Agreement):
Herr Angelo Mastrolia
Franzosenstraße 9
68169 Mannheim
Telephone: +49 621 / 32 35 – 0
Facsimile: +49 621 / 32 35 – 125
Contact person HR
Karin Karnasch
Design and technical support
42medien UG
Schulstraße 8
69469 Weinheim