The company.

The company is based in Mannheim and is the biggest German noodle & pasta supplier. The wide assortment consists of two of the best known German noodle brands 3 GLOCKEN and Birkel as well as the Italian pasta products Buitoni.
Newlat Germany is the hub for the German market and all export activities to the north and east European markets. Therefore, the company plays an essential role in the international expansion of the parent company. The company employs in Germany about 130 employees. Newlat Germany is market leader in Germany with almost 20% share of the market (value) as well as net sales of over 150 million Euro.
Newlat Food S.A. with its pasta, dairy and bakery products represents the richness of the Italian culinary tradition. The company was founded in 2004 and owns famous brands like the pasta brands Pezullo and Corticella, as well as the dairy based product brands Polenghi Lombardo, Giglio, Optimus and Matese.
The company employs more than 1,000 employees, is represented in a total of 12 locations and exports to over 80 countries worldwide.  As of 1 January 2014 the brands 3 Glocken and Birkel belong to the Newlat Germany.

Our corporate culture.

A good and lively corporate culture is for us the basis of successful team work. This goes for our employees as well as our partners.
You will find the underlying values of our corporate culture here:

Customer Focus:

The basis of our corporate culture is attention to the customer. The company`s aim is to pre-empt the requirements of the customer and guarantees this through quality and up-to-dateness by offering a high quality product that corresponds to the expectations of the customer. The principles mentioned up to now are not just mere intentions but are tangible results which have to be continually reviewed.


Quality is absolutely essential for the operations carried out. It is expected from the consumer and therefore demanded by NEWLAT. We are responsible to see that quality is ensured in all that we do and in accordance with our long term strategy.


Innovation is fundamental to our continual further development. All employees can and must through reciprocal confrontation contribute to new approaches and efforts for constant innovative development.

Social Responsibility:

NEWLAT takes collective requirements into consideration through its actions. NEWLAT contributes to the economic, social and civilian development of the communities in which the company is active.

Development of employees:

The human factor is for NEWLAT an essential value and it is for this reason that personal development, dignity, tolerance, transparency and safety are encouraged.


Success depends on the ability to take personal responsibility. NEWLAT will prove its integrity and make sure that it is a good example so that it can be measured by this. Laws, regulations and our corporate policy will be adhered to.

Unified in diversity:

NEWLAT recognises the value added to the company through the advantages of a multi cultural society. International synergies are an advantage in competition: NEWLAT has corporate targets, promotes continual communication and encourages the comparison of different points of view. The tasks and cross-border team work in the group are vital for creating a working environment in which the employee can reach his or her full potential.


Passion for success, passion for contributing, passion for top performance. The NEWLAT values allow us to achieve our mission with passion.

Only the best is good enough.

Newlat Germany represents the highest quality standards in food production. The safety of the products has highest priority and is crucial in our choice of suppliers and ingredients. It is a matter of course that both are subject to regular and extensive quality control. We conduct more than 30,000 analyses per year. All products are free of any food colouring and hardened fat*.
The company is certified by the IFS (International Featured Standards).

* according to the law

Pure durum wheat.

Durum wheat needs sun. We use durum wheat for our pasta from areas with perfect climate conditions like France or Canada, because we are convinced when choosing wheat that nature creates the best conditions and a good sun ripened grain is also beneficial to the taste of our pasta.

Before the wheat is used for our pasta it is examined very carefully at the delivery stage. What does that mean? Our food experts carry out many detailed laboratory analyses and determine for certain that the durum wheat semolina is free of harmful substances.

Fresh eggs.

Quality is also very important to us with regard to eggs. Our eggs are taken from alternative forms of poultry keeping, to be more exact eggs from barn systems are used. Eggs originating from battery cage systems have not been used for years..

Sun-ripened tomatoes.

For our sauces we use tomatoes that grow and ripe in natural sun light.

  • Pure durum wheat

  • Fresh eggs

  • Sun-ripened tomatoes

Sustainable development as a result of responsibility.

Newlat Germany follows the aim of producing food responsibly. Therefore, we take the subject of social and environmental sustainability very seriously. The entire conduct of our company is oriented to meeting the requirements of sustainable development in the production and marketing of our food.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) comprises of the following measures for us:

We avoid transportation where we can.

The mills which mill our wheat are in the immediate vicinity of our production facilities.

We also use nearby sources of water in our pasta production. The water comes from in-house controlled wells and from the nearby Odenwald.

Energy efficiency.

We have introduced an energy management system in our production area. This system is certified according to DIN ISO 50001. It has the aim of increasing energy efficiency and thus resulting in the sustainable saving of energy.

More about our energy policy.

Reduction of CO2 emission.

A large part of the durum wheat deliveries that our mills receive are delivered directly by ship to their own quay wall. The CO2 emission is therefore significantly lower than through transportation by truck.

The steam that is produced to run our plants is carbon-neutral.

Sustainability in every detail.

We use interchangeable pallets in the entire area of our national logistics. We want to emphasise that we continually scrutinize and modify all processes. The actual status is not seen as the final destination in our company but rather as the starting point for further improvement.

© 2018 Newlat GmbH Deutschland